A Context-aware and Geo-based Mobile Application to Automate the Notification of Public Health Issues


Angela Xiang1 and Yu Sun2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) is causing an ongoing pandemic. Social distancing and quarantine are the few effective methods to reduce the spreading risk of the coronavirus among people. As business starts to open up and quarantine policies become looser, the risk of COVID19 spreading becomes greater [1]. This paper describes the development of a context-aware and geo-based mobile application to automatically track an individual’s surroundings and calculate the exposure risk to a public health issue, such as COVID-19. Our application uses other user’s data and online databases with information on COVID-19 cases to calculate a percentage revealing the user’s possible risk at that location.


Flutter, Python Flask, Firebase, iOS, Android

Full Text  Volume 10, Number 15