A Wearable and Internet-Of-Things (IoT) Application for Sleep Detection and Lighting Control using AI and Machine Learning Techniques


William Ma1 and Yu Sun2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


There are many apps that let you control hardwares with the application of the internet-of-thing today, however, I have seen none that lets you customly control the hardwares, most likely you can only use the few controls the developer of the hardware gives you, and there are very few auto control options. This paper designs an application to auto control the hardwares into desired state based on personal status detected [1]. We use a smart watch to detect the heart beat of the user and determine if they are asleep, and once they are asleep, we turn off a light switch in the user's room to create a total darkness environment. Much research done on sleeping quality shows that sleeping in total darkness gives much better sleeping quality, while many, out of fear or sleeping disorders, still leave little lights on when sleeping [3]. This software helps to give these people better sleeping quality with ease [2].


IOT, AI, Machine learning.

Full Text  Volume 12, Number 8