Data Management for Trading, Risk and Regulatory Compliance in Investment Banking


Hemendra Vyas, New York University, New York


Data is growing enormously across all industries, banking and financial institutions are no exception. Financial organizations are increasingly interested in effectively managing and using day to day data to make business decisions and complying with new and existing regulations. There are general regulatory requirements for data retention of up to 7 years which makes the overall data management process challenging. To overcome this challenge banks and financial institutes rely on regular data backups of individual applications. With new regulations such as Fundamental Review of Trading Books being implemented in 2023-24, which impact multiple areas of bank, there is an immediate need for a centralized database to handle big data. In this paper author proposes a big data platform for a typical investment bank which can unify the data needs of Trading, Market Risk, Credit Risk, Counterparty Risk, Enterprise Risk Management and Model Risk Management and help with regulatory compliance.


Data management, Big Data, Banking Regulations, Market Risk and Trading Systems, Compliance, Models

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 2