Prescription Dispense using Smart Contract in Saudi Arabia


Atheer Hussain Mashhour and Hamed Alqahtani, King Khalid university, Saudi Arabia


Medical institutions distribute regulated medications to patients and persist in employing manual documentation methods to record the production, distribution, prescription, administration, and disposal of controlled substances. Consequently, this reliance on handwritten paperwork leads to operational inefficiencies. Of noteworthy concern is the potential for this practice to facilitate the circumvention or manipulation of the system, thereby enabling the issuance of undocumented or non-standardized prescriptions that could potentially harm patients . The central thesis is that smart contracts are a solid foundation for any blockchain development project, by describing the design and implementation of the prescription dispense approach that manages different participants in related sectors. Moreover, designing secure smart contracts required to privacy and security of the healthcare system. This study presents a proposal and implementation for the prescribed immutable and authenticated prescription for patients suffering from chronic disease and need ongoing dispense on regular bases. By employing smart contracts upon blockchain, I attempt to illuminate the benefits of using this technology in the prescription system in Saudi Arabia specifically and the ability of smart contracts to provide security for applications in general. The findings contribute in several ways to our understanding of smart contracts and provide a basis for building a secure prescription dispenser approach that serves the healthcare sector.


Smart contracts, block chain, prescription

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 3