The Impact of AI on US Labor Markets


Unuriode O. Austine, Okoro C. Stanley, Afolabi T. Osariemen, Durojaiye M.Olalekan, Lopez Alexander, Yusuf Y. Babatunde, Akinwande J. Mayowa, Austin Peay State University, USA


This research explores the consequences of AI integration in the labor market. As AI shapes various industries, it brings a dual impact: displacing some jobs while creating others. The automation driven by AI could be a threat to routine tasks, potentially leading to the displacement of specific roles within the routine tasks. However, AI also creates new job opportunities, particularly in AI development and related fields. This study aims to analyze the multifaceted impact of AI on US jobs, considering displacement, creation, and skills. The research considered the following aspects: Evaluation of job displacement and creation, skill shifts, the quality of AI's impact on performance, and exploring the relationship between AI models and human tasks. We were able to show AI's influence on the tasks performed by humans. The negative relationship between AI influence and tasks performed by humans shows that AI indeed has a notable and statistically significant adverse impact on human-performed tasks. We discovered that as AI technology advances and becomes more prevalent, certain tasks and roles traditionally carried out by humans are being automated or replaced by machines. Also, we were able to show the relationship between the AI model and human-performed tasks. It was found that AI models exhibit a substantial and statistically significant positive relationship with tasks performed by humans. Our findings suggest a more optimistic outlook for the labor market, where rather than displacing jobs and workers, AI technologies have the potential to enhance their capabilities and create new opportunities.


Artificial Intelligence, Automation, labor market, machine learning, Job creation, job displacement .

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 4