Comparative Analysis of Sentiment in Original and Summarized Tweets: Leveraging Transformer Models for Enhanced NLP Insights


Kun Bu and Kandethody Ramachandran, University of South Florida, USA


This paper investigates the sentiments of Twitter users towards the emergent topic of ChatGPT, leveraging advanced techniques in natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis (SA). Our approach uniquely incorporates a dual setting for sentiment analysis: one analyzes the sentiments of original, full-length tweets, while the other first condenses these tweets into succinct summaries before performing sentiment analysis. By employing this dual approach, we are able to offer a comparative analysis of sentiment assessment pre- and post-text summarization, exploring the accuracy and reliability of the summarized sentiments. Central to our methodology is the application of Transformer models, specifically ProphetNet, which facilitates a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the original text. Unlike traditional methods that rely on keyword extraction and aggregation, our approach generates coherent and contextually rich summaries, providing a novel lens for sentiment analysis. This research contributes to the field by presenting a comprehensive study comparing sentiment analysis outcomes between original texts and their summarized counterparts, and examining the effectiveness of different NLP techniques, namely NLTK and the Transformer-based ProphetNet model. The findings offer valuable insights into the dynamics of sentiment analysis in the context of social media and the efficacy of state-of-the-art NLP technologies in processing complex, real-world data.


Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Text Summarization, Machine Learning, Twitter Data Analysis, ProphetNet, Transformers.

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 4