An Efficient Domain-Independent Approach for Supervised Keyphrase Extraction and Ranking


Sriraghavendra Ramaswamy, Amazon Development Center (India) Private Limited, India


We present a supervised learning approach for automatic extraction of keyphrases from single documents. Our solution uses simple to compute statistical and positional features of candidate phrases and does not rely on any external knowledge base or on pre-trained language models or word embeddings. The ranking component of our proposed solution is a fairly lightweight ensemble model. Evaluation on benchmark datasets shows that our approach achieves significantly higher accuracy than several state-of-the-art baseline models, including all deep learning-based unsupervised models compared with, and is competitive with some supervised deep learning-based models too. Despite the supervised nature of our solution, the fact that does not rely on any corpus of "golden" keywords or any external knowledge corpus means that our solution bears the advantages of unsupervised solutions to a fair extent.


Keyphrase extraction, Supervised learning, Partial Ranking, Domain-agnostic solution, Non-DNN-based model

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 4