An Internet-of-Things (IoT) Sustainable Water Filtering and Monitoring System using Big Data Analysis and Clean Energy


Kaining Yuan1 and Jonathan Sahagun2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic
University, USA


Microplastic contamination in freshwater ecosystems is a growing environmental concern. This paper introduces MyRiiver, a solar-powered microplastic filtration system, designed to overcome limitations in current methods. The background underscores the urgency of addressing microplastic pollution, emphasizing the need for an efficient, adaptable, and economical solution. MyRiiver employs a sophisticated multi-layered filtration system without requiring pre-treatment, offering advantages over existing methodologies. Challenges identified in previous approaches, such as electrode wear and biofilter maintenance, are addressed through the simplicity of MyRiiver's design. Experimental trials showcase its adaptability and superior efficiency in filtering microplastics as small as 1 µm. Results demonstrate a significant removal rate, positioning MyRiiver as a practical, scalable, and eco-friendly solution. The study concludes by asserting MyRiiver's potential as a transformative tool for combating the escalating global issue of microplastic contamination in freshwater environments.


Water Filter System, IOS, Android, Microplastics, Flutter

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 4