2ndVision: A Smart Navigation Suits to Ensure Safe Movement for Visually Impaired using Machine Learning and Internet of Things (IoT)


Zhongxuan Xu1, Ziqi Zeng1 and Ang Li2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic
University, USA


In response to the challenges faced by the blind and visually impaired, exacerbated by the increasing prevalence of screen-related visual impairments, this proposal aims to address the shortcomings of existing solutions. The proposed solution consists of a cost-effective and secure approach, featuring a suit equipped with sensors and motors, complemented by a mobile app. This integrated system enhances the navigational experience for the visually impaired, offering key features such as safe traversal in any environment, map-guided navigation, and timely warnings of highspeed dangers. The suit utilizes time-of-flight sensors and vibration motors to convey crucial information to users, including distance, direction, and warnings, through distinct vibration signals. The mobile app serves as a valuable supplement to the suit, providing features such as traffic sign detection and advanced map navigation [8]. This cohesive blend of innovative hardware and software components establishes a comprehensive solution, addressing the urgent need for effective, affordable, and technologically advanced tools for the blind and visually impaired amidst the era of widespread screen usage.


IoT, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Sensory Substitution

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 4