An Accessible Application to Foster Figure Skating Skills using Gamification


Yuxi Xiao1 and Joshua Lai2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


The world of figure skating involves more than meets the eye, with precise and difficult moves judged subjectively, leading to biases and cultural influences impacting scoring. Skaters face physical and mental challenges, including pressure to conform to beauty standards. Addressing these issues, a proposed skating companion app aims to democratize figure skating by providing affordable, engaging, and safe training. Recognizing financial constraints, the app offers lessons, tips, and interactive elements to assist learning. It introduces a gamification element for simulated competition experiences, creating a risk-free environment for younger skaters during their formative years. The app aspires to be a catalyst for positive change, promoting inclusivity, safety, and education within the figure skating community, empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of this captivating sport while fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.


Figure Skating, Gamification, Simulation, Training

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 5