A Comparative Study of Incentive Mechanisms Used in Peer-To-Peer System


Guruprasad Khataniar1, Sankhapani Bharali2 and Archana Khataniar3, 1Assam Engineering Institute, India, 2Girl's Polytechnic, Assam, India and 3Bajali College, Assam, India


Incentive mechanism tells how to encourage nodes in a peer-to-peer system to contribute their resources. A peer avoids contributing resources to the p2p system because of the factors like: cost of bandwidth, security reason as it has to open several ports in order to allow others to take out its resources and slowing down of self downloading process. In this paper we present a comparative study on some incentive models after going through several research papers in the line. A few models are implemented to show the simulation results. Finally conclusion is made by identifying the best incentive mechanism for p2p system and improvements are suggested based on the findings.


P2P, Incentive mechanism, Free-rider, White-washing.

Full Text  Volume 2, Number 1