New Approach to Develop the Messenger Application : From Client Server Design to P2P Implementation


Ha Quoc Trung, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam


Client server application architecture is widely used in design and development of distributed application. Its advantage is the protocol design simplicity. However the architecture has several drawbacks such as server bottleneck and weak scalability. P2P architecture resolves these drawbacks by distributing computing tasks on both the client and server, making them equal in the system. However, P2P application development and protocol design are far difficult than client server model. This article proposes a solution to get the advantages of both models: the distributivity of the P2P architecture and the simplicity of the client server architecture. The solution uses local proxies, which interact with the client as the server and sharing information among them via P2P system. The solution is implemented and experimented for text information and services: messaging application.


Client Server, P2P, Messenger Application, distributed system.

Full Text  Volume 2, Number 3