An Interactive and Helpful Program to Help Foreign Language Learners Learn New Languages through Videos


Shengyi Wang1 and Christopher Muller2, 1USA, 2California State Polytechnic
University, USA


Foreign Language Pro is a foreign language learning app targeted at beginner to intermediate level language learners to help them learn a new language while watching videos they enjoy [1]. This app is created in hopes of solving the problem of not having an enjoyable time learning a foreign language without engaging or interesting activities to look at while learning [2]. In the program of the app, AI is heavily used in order to automatically transcribe the videos, tokenize or select certain types of words in the transcript and generate multiple choice questions from the selected words. Firebase is used as an iCloud database for the program. Challenges such as tokenization not selecting the right words and ChatGPT needing a membership to authenticate the user are fixed by understanding how to use these functions correctly [3]. My application works with basically everyone who wants to watch a video while learning a new language. The most important result that I found is that you can make an effective and simple app that can be expanded extensively in terms of the diversity of videos users can choose from while attempting to learn a new language. I think my idea is very helpful to everyone who wants to learn a new language at the moment and also does not want to bore themselves out from constantly doing repetitive practice to learn that language and ultimately make language learning an enjoyable time rather than a tedious one.


Foreign Language, Database, Randomizer, Machine Learning

Full Text  Volume 14, Number 10