Efficient Algorithm for RSA Text Encryption Using Cuda-C


Sonam Mahajan and Maninder Singh, Thapar University, India


Modern-day computer security relies heavily on cryptography as a means to protect the data that we have become increasingly reliant on. The main research in computer security domain is how to enhance the speed of RSA algorithm. The computing capability of Graphic Processing Unit as a co-processor of the CPU can leverage massive-parallelism. This paper presents a novel algorithm for calculating modulo value that can process large power of numbers which otherwise are not supported by built-in data types. First the traditional algorithm is studied. Secondly, the parallelized RSA algorithm is designed using CUDA framework. Thirdly, the designed algorithm is realized for small prime numbers and large prime number . As a result the main fundamental problem of RSA algorithm such as speed and use of poor or small prime numbers that has led to significant security holes, despite the RSA algorithm's mathematicalsoundness can be alleviated by this algorithm.


CPU, GPU, CUDA, RSA, Cryptographic Algorithm.

Full Text  Volume 4, Number 5