Two Discrete Binary Versions of African Buffalo Optimization Metaheuristc


Amira GHERBOUDJ, AbdelhamidMehri University Constantine 2, Algeria


African Buffalo Optimization (ABO) is one of the most recent swarms intelligence based metaheuristics. ABO algorithm is inspired by the buffalo’s behavior and lifestyle. Unfortunately, the standard ABO algorithm is proposed only for continuous optimization problems. In this paper, the authors propose two discrete binary ABO algorithms to deal with binary optimization problems. In the first version (called SBABO) they use the sigmoid function and probability model to generate binary solutions. In the second version (called LBABO) they use some logical operator to operate the binary solutions. Computational results on two knapsack problems (KP and MKP) instances show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and their ability to achieve good and promising solutions.


Optimization, metaheuristic, swarm intelligence, binary problems, African Buffalo Optimization, knapsack problems

Full Text  Volume 8, Number 8